Monday, February 22, 2010

First Post

Well, it's official! I've started a recipe blog! I'm doing this for the very dear people in my life! Many of you that know me know that I LOVE to cook, bake and entertain! SOME DAY, my dream is to start up a Bed & Breakfast with my dear, sweet love. Yes, yes, yes, that is WAY down the road, but because of my passion for PEOPLE, and my passion to SHOW LOVE, this is one of my main avenues of showing someone that I love them! By cooking them a meal, by baking them a treat, and my entertaining them right in my very own home. It may be to my brand new neighbor, but it also may be to every other special person in my life that I call family or "my friend." So, WELCOME to my kitchen! :) PLEASE if you have ANY questions whatsoever, comment directly on that recipe post, or e-mail me directly at I will try and get back to you as soon as I can. My goal is to encourage ALL levels of cooking to join in with me and TRY SOMETHING NEW! Bare with me while I figure how best to blog these recipes, but I'm really excited to share this part of my life with you! I would LOVE to hear right on these posts your OWN success stories from my recipes! The posts will be RANDOM, and I will TRY and post a picture of the food item if at all possible, but I may post some without because, ultimately, I forget to take a picture! :) Disclaimer: I AM BY NO MEANS CLAIMING MYSELF AS A PROFESSIONAL, this is just my way of sharing some of our families' favorites with each of you. :) Come back as little or as often as you feel so led! :)

Until then..........Bon Appetite! :)


  1. J~You definitely need to post your Chicken Tortilla has become a fav in our home...especially when made with homemade it!

  2. If can cook half as good as your mom this blog will be off the charts!! I still use recipes from meals we ate at your parents! I'm going to try them all at least once!

  3. I am making sloppy jojos as I type!! Cant wait to try them I doubled the recipe

  4. Tobey, I posted my Tortilla Soup recipe, did you see!? :) It's one of our favorites.

    Wendi, you are so sweet! Where do you think I get my cooking skills!? :) What recipes to you still eat of my mom's!? I'm curious.

    Jennifer, I'm excited to hear what you thought of the Sloppy Joes. Leave a comment on that particular post after you've tried them! :)

  5. LOve them Love them Love them!!!! They were excellent!! Next is the corn salad and buttermilk brownies!!
