Saturday, July 24, 2010

Chocolate Reeses' Milkshake

Several years ago when my sister lived in DesMoines for the first stretch, I went to visit her.  I'll never forget going to the DRAKE DINER in DesMoines with her one LATE evening and devouring the most delicious, most unbelieveable Chocolate Peanut Butter milkshake you've ever tasted.  I a few years back remembered how good that was and decided I'd try figuring out the mixture amounts to make my very own CHOCOLATE REESES' MILKSHAKE, so here it is! :)

1/4 c half & half
4 T Hershey's Chocolate Syrup
4 T peanut butter, creamy
2 c vanilla ice cream

Blend until smooth in blender.  Top with whipped cream!

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