Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Oreo Dessert

So, growing up, I grew up in Iowa!  My dad worked for John Deere and traveled MUCH!  The bulk of his trips were to Germany, but I won't ever forget the amazing opportunity it brought for me to learn other cultures and meet some really neat people that would also travel over here from Germany!  My mom had a heart of gold and was constantly inviting and hostessing many of these dear people in our home.  To this day we still have some very unique friendships with a lot of them.  I will also never forget my mom serving this to them on one of their many visits to the states and they would commonly call this dessert the "Iowa Dirt Dessert."  They thought the oreos look much like the rich soil of Iowa!  MAKES ME MISS HOME!  Many special things we've had to leave behind in the "Iowa dirt."
First layer smashed down on the bottom.

Ice Cream cut and smoothed.

Top layer of Oreos all spread out.

1 1/2 pkg Oreos (I used the Mint Oreos)
1 stick butter
1/2 c sugar
1 - 1/2 gal vanilla ice cream

Crush and blend the complete Oreo (all of them) in a blender.  I have to do mine in 1/3 pkg increments.  Put the blended Oreos into a bowl and add sugar and butter.  Stir until completely blended.  Pour half of the oreo mixture into the bottom of a 9x13 pan.  Press into the bottom.  Cut the 1/2 gallon of ice cream carton into 6 sections.  Piece together in the pan and then smooth together so all the oreos are covered.  Finish by pouring the remainder of the Oreo mixture over the top and smooth out.  FREEZE for at least 3 hours so it becomes solid again.  Cut and serve.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you. I forgot about this dessert, and now I will be making it after reading your post! ;)
