Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well, it's with great pride and excitement that I get to announce our new adventure that we are embarking on now.  For several months, we, along with another close family, have been making plans to start up a gardening business together.  Many of you know my husband, Ben, is an agronomist by education, a farmer, once by occupation on his dear families' farm, and is PASSIONATE about growing things.  Not to many months ago, we were visiting with some friends and were discussing the idea and our partner, David, and his wife thought Ben's idea was pretty cool!  So, the ball started rolling and Ben started doing some research and found another guy in California doing EXACTLY what Ben had been originally thinking!  A few phone calls later, we were figuring out logistics as to how we could get this type of thing going in Arizona! 

Harvest To Home Arizona was then born out of that.  In a nutshell, we deliver pre-planted, pre-fertilized organic gardens in a box to your place of interest.  You can pick from a menu of produce and herbs and we do the rest!  At drop off, we will hook it up to a water source available at your place and all you will need to do is WATCH the plants grow like crazy and when ready PICK your fresh produce RIGHT OUT OF YOUR OWN BACKYARD!  There are basically THREE "growing seasons" here in AZ.  Once your first season is through, we will come pick up your box(es) from your home and replant them for you with a new season!  These can be placed ANYWHERE at your home.  Front yard, back yard, if you live in a condo, you can put them on your deck, patio, etc.  Just need a water source and sun. 

Please visit our website (we're very soon going to be linked off of the California one) at to check out what we're up to!  Other contact info is as follows:

Specific Questions to AZ business -
David Pascador (Owner) -
Ben Baltzly (Owner) -
Harvest To Home Arizona Phone - 520-464-2300 (you'll hear my pretty little voice on that recording soon)
Facebook - (go check us out and request to be friends)

Check back for more information on upcoming events and specials in the future!

First Shipment of plants came today!

Just a few examples of what we can plant!

These are the Chocolate Beauty Peppers!

They are actually already producing!  Do you see the peppers?

Here is an example of the herbs that we have!

Berrgarten Sage


  1. What a fantastic idea! Let me know when you're ready to bring it up to Iowa and I'm in! :)

  2. Oh Liz, so sorry! It's actually not completely out of the question for Iowa! :) We'll see how Arizona goes! :) I'll keep you posted! :) Might be a bit still though! Thanks for always keeping up on my blog! Love seeing your comments here! :)

  3. Hooray! Hooray! So excited for you all in your new adventure! Have fun!! It looks fantastic!

  4. I was thinking the same thing as Liz! :)

    Our garden was sad this year.
