Wednesday, September 15, 2010

P-U-M-K-I-N P-I-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FOR SALE!!  $8/pie

Well, it's that GREAT time of year that I think most everyone loves!  FALL!!!  It's most definitely my favorite season ever, and with Fall come lots of fun things!  ONE being FRESH Pumpkin Pies!  There is just NOTHING like them!  Wouldn't you agree?  Who is with me!?

My sister-in-law's family, traditionally, EVERY YEAR gets together to make TONS of Pumpkin Pies.  Ummmmm.....they are AMAZING!  Since marrying into our family, Aubrey has graciously shared her secrets and we have gotten together a few times to make them and I won't EVER do it any other way. 

That said, we've decided we are going to be SELLING our fresh pumpkin pies starting RIGHT NOW until the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, November 24.  These will be "made to order" so if you are interested, e-mail me at and I'll get you hooked up. 

These are great for:
  • Dinner Parties
  • Just for YOU.
  • Work Parties/Potlucks
  • Church Potlucks
  • Holiday Meals
  • GIFTS!!!!!
  • Teacher Gifts
  • Etc.
These DO freeze.  They are fully baked when you pick them up and we literally do everything from scratch all the way from the PUMPKIN to the CRUST!

We are selling them for $8/ea.  PLEASE tell your friends and family also.

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