Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Raspberry Jam For Sale

So after posting to my facebook that I had just finished 33 jars of fresh raspberry jam with two of my girlfriends, I almost immediately had requests to purchase them!  My initial reaction was, no way.  They take a lot of TLC and then as I got more requests, I started organizing my thoughts.  I've decided to sell raspberry jam because you're worth that "TLC." :)  So many of my friends and family from back in the midwest also always wish they could take part in my bake sales or food prep, and I've checked into a way in getting this stuff back to you all in the midwest.  So, the pricing is as follows:

Option 1 - $4/jar - LOCALLY here.
Option 2 - 5 jars SHIPPED to you anywhere is $30.  Each additional jar is $5 up to 10 jars.

This pricing above for shipping includes bubble wrap that each jar is wrapped in and the cost for me to ship!  Cheapest way for me to ship is Priority Flat Rate which arrives in 2-3 days.
Many are asking how long they last.  If SEALED setting in your pantry/cupboard, they will last 6-12 months!  Once they have been opened, you will need to keep them in the refrigerator and they can be in there for 2-3 months.

If you have any other questions let me know!  I will need to know by Thursday at midnight so I can get more supplies Friday if I need to!  Hoping to get these made this weekend and mailed off or delivered!  I am taking payment via paypal.  I will touch base with you specifically on your order in a few days once I get everything else figured out. :)

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