Saturday, June 5, 2010

Creamy Cucumber Salad

Unbelievably REFRESHING summer salad!  LOVE IT!  I think you will too!

4 medium size cucumbers, peeled and sliced
1 small red onion, chopped
1 c Miracle Whip/mayo
1/4 c sugar
4 t apple cider vinegar

Peel & slice the cucumbers into a bowl.  Chop the onion and put in with the cucumbers.  In a separate bowl, mix together the Miracle Whip, sugar and vinegar until well blended.  Pour over the top of the cucumber mix and mix until everything is coated.  Can be served immediately, however, chilled is nice! :)


  1. Dad says,"Looks and sounds just like what I remember as a kid when my mom would make this."
